Brian Wortham

Recovery Ambassador


Brian Wortham graduated from addiction treatment at The Recovery Village Atlanta. In a recent interview, he shared his recovery story, hoping to inspire others to seek the help they need: 

When did you realize you wanted to get treatment?

“When I had lost everything and had gone to jail for the 3rd time in less than 12 months.” 

Why did you (or your loved one) choose our treatment center?

“I had heard about it from other friends that had been there.” 

What part of your treatment was the most helpful?

“The group therapy. I’m still using my DBT skills today.” 

Who made the biggest difference in your recovery journey?

“The friends I made while I was there.” 

How has your life changed after getting treatment at our center?

“I can get up and ride bikes with my daughter and just be myself.” 

How would you encourage someone else who needs treatment?

“It’s the best gift you could ever give yourself and your family.”